In 2013, industrial hemp (varieties with THC <0.2%) was excluded from the illegal, controlled substances in the Greek legislation and in 2016, the legal cultivation of the same varieties in the Greek territory was regulated.
The 1961 United Nations International Convention, as amended in 1972, explicitly excludes varieties of industrial cannabis from controlled, illicit substances and other varieties of cannabis intended for medical use. Cannabidiol (CBD), which has no psychoactive or addictive effect according to the World Health Organization, is not included in the substances controlled by the United Nations International Conventions on Drugs.
At European level, industrial hemp has been subsidized as an agricultural product since the 1990s and its cultivation is regulated by European Law and the EU Common Agricultural Policy.
The basic national legislation governing the production and distribution of industrial hemp products is as follows:
- JM No. 1033/364487 (Government Gazette B'6021 / 31.12.2020): "Determination of the necessary additional measures regarding the granting of basic aid for the cultivation of cannabis, as well as the terms and conditions of cultivation of cannabis varieties of the species Cannabis sativa L of par. 3 of article 1 of law 4139/2013".
- JM No. 982/88573 (Government Gazette BD1444 / 24.04.2019): "Determination of the necessary additional measures regarding the terms and conditions of cultivation of cannabis varieties of Cannabis sativa L with tetrahydrocannabinol content up to 0.2 %, for the granting of the basic aid".
- JM No. 981/88525 (Government Gazette Β΄1445 / 24.04.2019): "Terms and conditions for the cultivation of cannabis varieties outside the Community list of the species Cannabis sativa L".
- JM No. 1750/39224 (Government Gazette B'929 / 06.04.2016): "Determination of the necessary additional measures… regarding the terms and conditions of cultivation of cannabis varieties of Cannabis sativa L with tetrahydrocannabinol content up to 0.2% , for the granting of basic aid".
- JM No. 1433/84905 / (Government Gazette BD 2392 / 21.06.2018): Amendment of JMC No. 1750/39224 / 31-3-2016.
- Government Gazette B '2970 / 30.08.2017: Amendment of the JMC no. 1750/39224 / 31-3-2016.
- Law 4139/2013 - Government Gazette A-74 / 20-3-2013: on addictive substances and other provisions, as amended by article 7 of Law 4691/2020 - Government Gazette 108 / Α / 9-6-2020.