Cannabinoids & Terpenes
Cannabis contains over 460 known chemicals and more than 80 are called phytocannabinoids, which are the main active ingredients. The best known and most studied are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is a psychoactive substance that causes euphoria as well as a feeling of well-being, increased appetite, relaxation and enhanced perception, while CBD, lacks euphoric effects and is characterized as a safe natural substance by the World Health Organization with relaxing, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties.
Phytocannabinoids act through the endogenous cannabinoid system, the receptors of which are widely located in the central nervous system and peripheral tissues. Although the medicinal properties of cannabinoids are still largely unknown, many of their therapeutic uses have been investigated in hundreds of studies.
Terpenes are volatile aromatic compounds and have been shown to have important pharmacological properties and direct the therapeutic effect of cannabis in combination with cannabinoids.