KANNABIO has developed significant know-how on the in the field cultivation of cannabis, as well as on processing raw materials.
From 2016, when we were granted with the two of the first cultivation licenses, until the summer of 2020 we have cultivated organically a total of more than 720 certified acres, mainly in Kokkina, Magnesia, but also in several areas of Greece in collaboration with organic producers.
KANNABIO follows strict organic production standards and the fields are certified by a widely-known independent body. We do not use chemical fertilizers and herbicides, but approved biological fertilizers, result of manual labor and manure, while we treat infestations and hostile insects (eg stinkers, green worm, etc.) exclusively with biological means and crop rotation.
We do not use chemical fertilizers and herbicides, but approved biological fertilizers, result of manual labor and manure, while we treat infestations and hostile insects (eg stinkers, green worm, etc.) exclusively with biological means and crop rotation.
Irrigation is done by the method of drip with irrigation pipes that penetrate the field and save valuable water resources. The flowers are dried in a natural way that saves significant amounts of energy used by mechanical dryers.